Fastdraw Release your warrior spirit
The Nihonzashi
Samurai Fastdraw timing system measures the time it takes to draw
and cut with a sword. This was an essential skill for the samurai
and was a mater of life or death. They would live or die by their
skill and speed with a katana. Now you can find out just how fast
you are! Practice by yourself or connect multiple timers together
for head to head competition. It has practice and competition
modes allowing flexible use from single person training to a full
competition. Use this modern training tool to enhance your
skills with an ancient weapon.
WARNING: The katana is not a toy and should not
be used without training and proper supervision.
Samurai Fastdraw Users Manual Download (PDF)
SFD-SPTS001 $549

Single Person
Padded Target System
Just about
everything you need to start down the exciting path of Samurai
Fastdraw (Just add a sword and a target stand). You can use an
unsharpened iaito or a bokken for fast paced action that only
requires seconds to ready between uses.
Timer Unit
(SFD-TU001) Measures time to 1/1000 second
Start Unit
(SFD-SU001) Starts timing sequence
Target Light
(SFD-TL001) Indicates start of time
Target Cable -
50ft (SFD-TC001) Connects Timer Unit to Target
Power Supply -
1A (SFD-PS001) Powers Timer Units
Padded Target
Switch (SFD-TS003) Stops the timer
Adding an optional
Start Cable (SFD-SC001) and Competition Cable (SFD-CC001) allows
you to use two single person systems for one on one competitions.
SFD-SCTS001 $549

Single Person
Cutting Target System
This system is
for those who already have tameshigiri as part of training and
want to add the challenge of Samurai Fastdraw. It can be used
with most target stands and pits you against real targets and the
Timer Unit
(SFD-TU001) Measures time to 1/1000 second
Start Unit
(SFD-SU001) Starts timing sequence
Target Light
(SFD-TL001) Indicates start of time
Target Cable -
50ft (SFD-TC001) Connects Timer Unit to Target
Power Supply -
1A (SFD-PS001) Powers Timer Units
Cutting Target
Switch (SFD-TS004) Stops the timer
Adding an optional
Start Cable (SFD-SC001) and Competition Cable (SFD-CC001) allows
you to use two single person systems for one on one competitions.
SFD-DPTS001 $999

Two Person
Competition Padded Target System
Just about
everything you need to have a Samurai Fastdraw competition (Just
add swords and target stands). You can use an unsharpened iaito
or a bokken for fast paced action that only requires seconds to
ready between one on one matches.
Timer Unit x 2
(SFD-TU001) Measures time to 1/1000 second
Start Unit
(SFD-SU001) Starts timing sequence
Start Cable - 1
ft (SFD-SC001) Connects Timer Units
Target Light x
2 (SFD-TL001) Indicates start of time
Target Cable x
2 - 50ft (SFD-TC001) Connects Timer to Target
Power Supply -
1A (SFD-PS001) Powers Timer Unit
Power Supply Y
Cable (SFD-PY001) Connects PS two Timer Units
Padded Target
Switch x 2 (SFD-TS003) Stops the timer
Cable (SFD-CC001) Connects Timers
SFD-CCTS001 $999

Two Person
Competition Cutting Target System
Great addition to
a dojo proving the next level of competitive action. This system
measures students against the clock and against each other.
Allows the use of real targets and live blades for an adrenaline
pumping experience.
Timer Unit x 2
(SFD-TU001) Measures time to 1/1000 second
Start Unit
(SFD-SU001) Starts timing sequence
Start Cable - 1
ft (SFD-SC001) Connects Timer Units
Target Light x
2 (SFD-TL001) Indicates start of time
Target Cable x
2 - 50ft (SFD-TC001) Connects Timer to Target
Power Supply -
1A (SFD-PS001) Powers Timer Unit
Power Supply Y
Cable (SFD-PY001) Connects PS two Timer Units
Cutting Target
Switch x 2 (SFD-TS004) Stops the timer
Cable (SFD-CC001) Connects Timers
SFD-TS001 $199
Target Stand
This Solid oak Target Stand built to last and
great for those who don't want to build their own. Ours is dojo
tested tough with 18 years of abusive testing behind the latest
design. Used to hold tatami omote targets with a replaceable 7/8"
wooden spike for tameshigiri. Based on the latest Japanese
federation dimensions.
SFD-TU001 $229

Timer Unit
The Timer Unit is a compact unit that show the
time with easy to read LED digits. The timer has four digits and
shows the time up to 9.999 seconds in 1/1000 second intervals.
The time is visible up to 15 feet away indoors. This tough unit
is built with an aluminum housing. The Timer Unit is part of a
timing system that will not operate without the other components.
SFD-SU001 $59

Start Unit
The Start Unit starts the timing sequence for
one or multiple Timer Units. Multiple Timer Units can be
controlled with a single Start Unit by chaining them together with
the Start Cable.
SFD-SC001 $7
Start Cable - 1
The Start Cable connects Timer Units together
allowing multiple Timing Units to be controlled with a single
Start Unit. This allows multiple people to compete against each
other simultaneously.
SFD-SC002 $12

Start Cable - 10
The Start Cable connects Timer Units together
allowing multiple Timing Units to be controlled with a single
Start Unit. This allows multiple people to compete against each
other simultaneously.
SFD-CC001 $7

Competition Cable
The 1 foot long Competition Cable connects two
Timer Units together allowing them to indicate the winner for one
on one competitions. The Competition Cables causes the winner's
target light to blink for the faster of two competitors.
SFD-TL001 $99

Target Light
The Target Light is mounted onto a target stand
and tells the competitors when to start. The Target Light has a
magnet on that back that allows it to attaches to a metal mounting
plate attached to the target stand or be easily removed after use.
SFD-TC001 $25

Target Cable -
The Target Cable connects a Timer Unit to the
Target Light / Switch. It allows the system to be operated from a
safe distance.
SFD-TC002 $36

Target Cable -
The Target Cable connects a Timer Unit to the
Target Light / Switch. It allows the system to be operated from a
safe distance.
SFD-PS001 $21

Power Supply (1
The 1 Amp Power Supply used to power one or
two Timer Units from a 110V outlet. A Power Supply Y Cable
(SFD-PY001) is needed when powering two Timer Units.
SFD-PS002 $23
On Backorder
Power Supply (2
The larger 2A Power supply can be used with 2
Timer Units and 2 Audience Displays. A Power Supply Y Cable
(SFD-PY001) is needed when powering two Timer Units and the Power
Supply 4 Way Cable (SFD-PE002) connects the Power Supply to four
devices (Two Timer Units and Two Audience Displays).
SFD-PY001 $8

Power Supply Y
The Power Supply Y Cable connects the Power
Supply to two Timer Units.
SFD-PY002 $15

Power Supply 4
Way Cable
The Power Supply 4 Way Cable Connects the Power
Supply to four devices. This allows two Timer Units and two
Audience Displays to be powered from a single Power Supply.
SFD-PE001 $8

Power Extension
Cable - 4 ft
Power Extension Cables allow the Power Supply
cables to be extended. It works before or after a Power Supply Y
or 4 Way Cable to provide more flexibility in the placement of the
system components.
SFD-PE002 $10

Power Extension
Cable - 9 ft
Power Extension Cables allow the Power Supply
cables to be extended. It works before or after a Power Supply Y
or 4 Way Cable to provide more flexibility in the placement of the
system components.
SFD-BP001 $99

Battery Pack
The Rechargeable Battery Pack replacing the
wall outlet Power Supply in situations were a wall outlet is not
available. It includes a recharger and will power a full system
for hours. Lets you take your Samurai Fastdraw system anywhere.
SFD-TS003 $199

Padded Target
This innovative patent pending device is the
key to the Samurai Fastdraw system. It allows the strike of a
sword to stop a timer using a padded target as the trigger. It
can be used with bokken or un-sharp iaito. Using a sharp blade
will damage the padded target. This version is designed to be
used with the Samurai Fastdraw timing systems. The body of the
unit is solid oak with a stainless steel timer housing. It is
inserted into a target stand using a 7/8" stainless steel
post. The padded target is covered with ballistic nylon. It has
a "armed" LED indicator that shows when the target
switch is ready for use.
SFD-TS004 $199

Cutting Target
This innovative patent pending device is the
key to the Samurai Fastdraw system. It allows the strike of a
sword to stop a timer using a string target as the trigger. It
can be used with any sword that can break or cut a string, but
requires much more set-up time between uses than the padded target
switch. This version is designed to be used with the Samurai
Fastdraw timing systems. It is attached to a cutting stand and is
constructed with a stainless steel case for durability and
corrosion resistance.
SFD-OTK001 $15
Overhead Trigger
This kit has everything you need when using
Cutting Target Switch for bokken and iaito to make setting up the
string trigger easier. Contains a hook for dropped ceilings,
paracord line, and clamp/spool holder.
SFD-AD001 $359

Audience Display
Large display allows the time to be seen from
over 300 feet away. Great for competitions allowing the audience
to become part of the action. Requires a power supply and cables
sold separately.
SFD-ADC001 $25
Audience Display
Cable - 50 ft
Connects Timer Unit to Audience Display
SFD-ADC002 $36
Audience Display
Cable - 100 ft
Connects Timer Unit to Audience Display
SFD-CC001 $6

Cable Connector
The Cable Connector can be used to extend
target, start or display cables by linking multiple cables